8 Important Benefits Of A Digital Mailroom

A corporate mailroom can be an extremely busy place. With a constant flow of parcels and letters, it can be challenging to keep the systems you have in place running smoothly. 

A digital mailroom could be the ideal solution to this problem. It can free up your resources to enable you to focus on the side of your business that makes you money. 

But why exactly does implementing a digital mailroom offer your business? Let’s explore the benefits to find out.

What is a digital mailroom?

What is a digital mailroom?

A digital mailroom is exactly as its name suggests. It's the automation of mailroom processes using digital technologies. 

Parcels will be scanned when they arrive or are ready to be sent out of your business. Their journey is tracked across your premises, so you always know where they are. Those receiving parcels will get notifications to let them know when they’re ready to be picked up, and those sending can rest assured that their important mail has left the business at the right time. 

In other words, digital mailroom management has revolutionized the business of mail.

How Does a Digital Mailroom Work?

A digital mailroom streamlines the flow of physical and electronic mail by leveraging automation and intelligent technology. 

How Does a Digital Mailroom Work?

Here's a breakdown of how it works:

1. Mail and package arrival:  Physical mail is sent to a secure scanning facility, logged, and prepped for processing. Packages can also be integrated into the system, capturing dimensions and weight data for easier tracking.

2. High-speed scanning and OCR:  Scanners equipped with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology convert paper documents into searchable PDFs. OCR reads the text on the documents, making them easily accessible for later retrieval.

3. Intelligent classification: The digital mailroom goes beyond simple scanning. It integrates artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for automatic sorting and routing.

  • AI for predefined rules:  The system can be programmed with specific rules to categorize documents. For example, invoices containing the word "invoice" in the header might be automatically routed to accounts payable.
  • Machine learning for continuous improvement: The system can identify patterns and automatically categorize documents more accurately by analyzing past data. For example, the system could recognize a specific vendor logo on an invoice and route it to the correct department.

4. Secure digital storage and distribution: All your digital documents are securely stored in a central cloud-based repository – goodbye physical filing cabinets. Authorized users can access these documents from any location with an internet connection. Additionally, the digital mailroom can automatically distribute scanned documents and extracted data to designated individuals or departments based on pre-set workflows.

8 Important Benefits of a Digital Mailroom

A digital mailroom acts as a transformative solution, streamlining operations and unlocking a wealth of benefits for your business. 

8 Important Benefits of a Digital Mailroom

Here are eight reasons why your business should embrace the digital revolution.

1. Greater efficiency

Having manual and paper-based processes in place for handling your mail can be a tremendous burden on your business. Not only will you have to use valuable resources to get the message to your employees that their parcels have arrived or been sent, but you will also have to manage all of the paperwork that comes with this.

Using a digital mailroom can make sending and receiving far more efficient. With a digital mailroom, you;

  • Will be able to meet tight timeframes,
  • Have immediate access to the locations of mail within your business,
  • Can minimize mistakes,
  • Won’t have to waste time photocopying or scanning,
  • Improve your internal efficiency,
  • Enable your team members to focus on work that makes you money.

2. Improved customer service

Making your mailroom more efficient will give you the chance to improve your customer service. To start, the mail you send out will get to your customers or internal staff faster, and the mail you receive can be responded to with more haste. Alongside this, though, you will be able to offer a range of other benefits to your customers, including dispatch and delivery notifications. This can also significantly reduce admin time when customers or internal staff enquiry after the status of their parcel.

This is an incredible benefit to be able to take advantage of when you’re already getting so much from your digital mailroom. Making your customers happier will give you the chance to make more money, all while you reduce overheads on the digital mailroom you’ve just set up. Providing improved internal parcel tracking will make your business look incredibly well-managed, giving you an edge against competitors that are still using out-dated systems for their mail.

3. Reduced operational overheads

By replacing jobs that can be handled digitally with an intelligent system, digital mailrooms can reduce the human resources needed to handle operations. 

Alongside this, you will also save resources when it comes to the paper and electricity you use. With printer ink and toner being some of the most expensive office supplies, cutting this out can seriously impact your overheads. 46% of companies will make their money back from setting up their digital mailroom within 12 months or less.

Making your business operations cheaper will have a direct effect on your profits. Not only will this change the money you have to spend,  but it will also help you avoid getting into trouble with how you handle your mail. Compliance can be a big issue in the world of modern business.

4. Better policy compliance

Having humans control the flow of mail through your business can open you up to many risks. 

A digital mailroom takes away this concern.

Data protection audits are becoming increasingly common. Without the paper trail to prove you’ve been handling data correctly, getting through an audit like this without getting into trouble can be challenging. Your digital mailroom solves this problem, providing a clear record of how mail was handled within the business. This can help you meet and manage the strict standards of GDPR without relying on your team members to remember all the workflows and information. 

Whether you’re sending stacks of mail each day or have a lot of inbound letters and parcels to manage, it’s well worth having a system that can help you stay compliant while you do it.

5. Access & Remote Work

Physical mailrooms can be a bottleneck in today's increasingly mobile work environment. Remote workers often need access to incoming mail and critical documents. When they struggle to access this, it can hinder collaboration and cause delays. Digital mailrooms provide a secure and central hub for all your documents, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Here's how a digital mailroom empowers remote work and collaboration:

  • Access Anytime, Anywhere: Authorized users can access scanned documents and electronic files and track packages from any device, regardless of location.
  • Streamlined Collaboration: Digital documents can be shared electronically with internal and external colleagues. This facilitates real-time collaboration on projects and documents, even for geographically dispersed teams. Version control features ensure everyone works on the latest version, eliminating confusion and wasted effort.
  • Improved Communication: Digital mailrooms can integrate with other communication tools, allowing seamless document sharing within discussions and project management platforms.

6. Eco-Friendliness

Digital mailrooms are a greener solution. They offer a sustainable solution by promoting eco-friendliness in several ways:

  • Reduced Paper Consumption: Digital mailrooms decrease the amount of paper used in your office. Paper documents are scanned and stored electronically, eliminating the need for printing, copying, and paper-based filing systems.
  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Digital mailrooms reduce the environmental impact of mail delivery. Less paper means fewer mail trucks on the road, resulting in lower fuel consumption and reduced carbon emissions.
  • Support for Sustainability Initiatives: A digital mailroom shows your business is committed to sustainability. This can enhance your brand image and appeal to environmentally-conscious customers and partners. Additionally, digital mailrooms can help companies meet sustainability goals set by regulatory bodies or internal initiatives.

Want an example of how a digital mailroom can contribute to environmental benefits? Check out this case study on Lancaster University, which details how they reduced paper usage by 80% after implementing a digital mailroom system.

7. Error Reduction

Crammed filing cabinets and overworked staff? This can often result in human errors, leading to misrouted or lost documents. Digital mailrooms can minimize these errors in several ways: 

  • Automated workflows: Digital mailrooms automate many tasks traditionally prone to human error, such as sorting and routing documents, to reduce the risk of mistakes and ensure documents reach the correct recipient.
  • Accurate document Tracking: Every scanned document in a digital mailroom is assigned a unique identifier and tracked electronically from the moment it arrives. This process eliminates the possibility of losing track of essential papers and allows easy retrieval whenever needed.
  • Intelligent sorting algorithms: Digital mailrooms leverage sophisticated algorithms to categorize incoming documents accurately. These algorithms can be trained to recognize patterns and keywords, reducing the risk of misfiling or misrouting documents.

8. Space Saving & Staff Solutions

Traditional mailrooms need more physical space and more staff to operate them. It consumes valuable real estate and strains human resources. 

By digitizing incoming mail and discarding physical copies, they drastically reduce storage needs. Additionally, streamlined processes, like parcel tracking with remote action buttons, optimize staff allocation. Employees can efficiently manage mail remotely, freeing up time for higher-value responsibilities. This shift maximizes space utilization, improves workflow efficiency, and empowers staff to focus on tasks that drive greater organizational impact.

Next Steps: Implementing Your Digital Mailroom

Imagine a work environment free from overflowing filing cabinets, misplaced documents, and wasted time spent on manual mail processing. 

That's the power of the digital mailroom. 

Parcel Tracker can serve as your trusted partner in this digital transformation. Our comprehensive platform offers a robust suite of tools to streamline your mail-handling process, from secure document scanning and intelligent sorting to automated workflows and centralized, cloud-based storage.

Unlock the potential of a digital mailroom for your organization. Visit our website to learn more or schedule a free demo.

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