Azerbaijan Post

Azerbaijan Post, founded on Sept. 29 1999, is responsible for postal service in Azerbaijan. Correspondence, business documents, pictures, artistic postcards, advertisements, printed materials, circuits, and manuscripts are all sent via internal and simple letters. Correspondence, business documents, photographs, accounts, receipts, and other documents are sent via international simple and registered mail. Small packages contain samples of goods and gift items, as well as slimmer items. Adoption of a small pact should be done in accordance with its requirements and should be avoided if it deteriorates.For each smaller pact, the sender completes the CN22 or CN23 customs declaration.Only print media (blank, brochures, posters), periodicals, artistic and other literature are sent in simple, custom-made wrappers. Polygraphic products, maps, samples, catalogs, brochures, reproductions, and other products on paper, cardboard, or other printing materials are sent in international, simple, and customized packages. Items weighing up to 500 grams are sent to gloves, boxes, envelopes, pliable bags, jaws lanterns, or other lanterns, depending on the peculiarities of the interior of the objects.Azerbaijan sent conditional goods?€? medicines, veterinarian supplies, plants, animals, and herbal raw materials used in veterinary medicine - if the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan has official permission from the phytosanitary control service, artistic, historical, scientific, and other valuable cultural objects (including items not mass-produced in Azerbaijan and abroad prior to 1965, hand-woven carpets, carpet products, crystal, porcelain, and earthenware, musical instruments, document works, and so on) - if the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan has official permission, zoological collections, their parts or separate objects, including fauna - with the official permission of the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, medicines - in the quantity required for personal use, Up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages

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