Romania Post

Romania's national operator in the sector of postal services is CN Poșta Română SA. It is Romania's lone universal service provider in all parts of the country. Poșta Română competes on the free market for value-added postal and press services, and performs ancillary activities that are necessary to perform the main objects of activity, namely external trade, supply, research and technological and information design, medical services, education, and social-cultural services, and so on, in a profitable manner. Since the Middle Ages, the post has been known in Romanian provinces. It arose from the desire to extend the sovereigns' orders up to the boundaries of the land they controlled. Sovereigns' couriers rode horses that were kindly supplied to them by the residents of the villages and towns they passed through. The "Charter" issued by Sovereign Mircea the Elder in Giurgiu in 1399 was the first document attesting to the establishment of postal services in Romanian-speaking nations. Localities were expected to furnish royal messengers with conveyance, which consisted of horses and two-wheeled carts known as remounts. Initially, the post was primarily responsible for the transportation of travelers as well as the delivery of official letters for high-ranking officials and sovereigns. The urban postal stations in administrative cities were converted to post offices after 1850. There were 30 postal routes with postal stations at the time, with Craiova as the joint center. Under the direction of the Ministry of Finances, mail service for private individuals was established in 1852. The 527 Decree, which took effect on August 1, 1862, was issued on July 23, 1862, and it unified the postal administrations of Moldavia and Wallachia. Following the unification, Panait Sevescu, who had been leading the Muntenia branch since December 1860, is now in charge of the general directorate. Poșta Română has adod an active policy over the years to foster cooperation and partnerships at many levels. In 2004, Romania hosted the 23rd UPU Congress, an event that established policy and strategy for international postal activity at a time when the global postal market was rapidly changing. Since its inception in 1874, Poșta Română has been a founding member of the Universal Postal Union. Poșta Română hosted and organized UPU's 23rd Universal Postal Congress, which took place in Bucharest in 2004. Romania was the chairman of the UPU Council of Administration from 2004 and 2008, contributing to the decision-making process on the future of postal services.

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