
Sailpost SpA is a company based in Italy. is a logistics company that has been in operation for almost two decades. It was founded in the year 2000 under the name City post, and it now operates a franchised postal network under the Sailpost brand. In 2021, City post changes its name to Sailpost SpA in order to align with the franchise brand and other logistics-related business lines. In commercial activities throughout Italy, the Sailpost postal network now has over 140 agencies and over 230 postal outlets. Sailpost now has a postal and courier distribution network that covers the entire national territory and responds to a variety of client needs thanks to the two networks. Sailpost was the first private postal operator to get the special NATIONAL license for Judicial Acts and Fines at the beginning of 2019, making it the only viable option for Poste Italiane. Sailpost's service range is diverse and well-structured to satisfy a variety of customer requirements. Sailpost is aimed toward everyone with postal and logistics needs, from small businesses to major corporations, professionals to government agencies with ad hoc solutions. Their objective is to be the reference partner for the postal, parcel, and logistic services, ensuring their customers a simple, safe, and convenient service daily, owing to their capillary network throughout the area. Their ambition is to become Italy's first postal and logistics company, serving 100% of the country's population. The Sailpost Charter of Services acknowledges the postal service's quality objectives and, concerning these services, defines the procedures for handling complaints, following the Regulation on Postal Sector Disputes (Resolution no. / CONS) and the General Directive for the Adoption of Service Cards (Resolution no. 413/14 / CONS). With the release of this Service Charter, the company maintains and continues its previous promises about the following goals: • Create a clear and open service contract that allows you to build a strong trusting relationship with your customers. • Define the products that are available to customers. · Provide the consumer with as much information as possible about the service levels attained. • Establish a complaint procedure. • Make it easier for people to get in touch with the company. • Increase client loyalty by providing information that is concise, easy to understand, and based on specific promises. • Encourage the ongoing improvement of services and goods for them to better meet the needs of consumers and receivers.

900+ Carriers and Postal Services

Parcel Tracker provides tracking both for international postal services (delivery services run by countries) and for couriers (private companies such as UPS and FedEx).

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