South Africa Post Office

The South African Post Office (SA Post Office) is the country's national postal service, and it is a state-owned corporation with the South African government as its sole stakeholder. According to South African legislation, the Post Office is the only legal body that can accept reserved mail and hence has a monopoly. It employs approximately 16,480 people and manages over 1,400 post offices around the country, giving it a presence in practically every town and city in the country. As group CEO, Nomkhita Mona joined the SA Post Office in April 2021. Postbank, a financial services provider, is the company's principal subsidiary.The South African Post Office Group now consists of several divisions and companies engaged in mail, financial services, logistics, property, electronic commerce, and retail services. The group's principal commercial activity is the collection, sorting, and delivery of letters and parcels, which accounted for over 65 percent of the group's income in 2010/12. In the fiscal year 2010/11, almost 1,5 billion pieces of mail were processed. The firm maintains six huge mail centers and more than 40 depots across the republic to handle and distribute this volume of mail. Traditional mail volumes, on the other hand, have decreased during the last three years for the organization.As traditional mail as a communication channel being replaced by electronic alternatives such as email and, more lately, cell phones, this decline is in line with comparable declines observed by the majority of postal operators around the world. In 2021, both domestic and international parcel service is unreliable, with delays of more than six months being frequent. Christmas cards sent from outside the United States usually arrive around March.

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