Turkey Post

PTT, an abbreviation for Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilat, is Turkey's national post and telegraph directorate. Previously, the organization was known as Posta Telgraf Telefon. Following the privatization of the telephone telecommunications service business, the directorate was renamed while retaining its acronym. Its headquarters are in Ankara, and it is known internationally as TURKISH POST. The General Directorate of PTT, which was designated as a State Economic Enterprise (SEE) in 1954, was reorganized into a State Economic Establishment (SEE) in 1984 by Decree Law No. 233 on State Enterprise Reorganization. The General Directorate of PTT was reformed and divided into two as the General Directorate of Posts and Turk Telecom Coop by Law No. 4000 dated 18.06.1994 and No. 4000. Since April 24, 1995, the General Directorate of Posts has been providing service independently.How long does it take for Turkish mail to arrive?If you send a box or parcel from Turkey to the United States through PTT's premium international delivery service, it will reach in around 4-5 days.Is PTT Turkey a trustworthy company?Yes, it is. PTT aspires to provide a cost-effective, high-quality, quick, and dependable postal and mail delivery service. They have a quality certificate from TS EN ISO 9001. Their international mail delivery system ensures that your mail or post reaches the PTT center of the receiving country's post office in three days or less.Is PTT able to ship internationally?PTT Center can deliver parcels from overseas to Turkiye. Nations of destination and origin, as well as the names of countries, limits, and currencies to which you can send parcels with this additional service, can be found by clicking on this link.

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